Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Equipex FIT- Future Internet of Things (2011-..., 1.064 k€)

The FIT projet is a national equipex (equipement d'excellence), headed by the Lip6 laboratory. As a member of Inria, Socrate is in charge of the development of an Experimental Cognitive Radio platform that should be used as test-bed for sdr terminals and cognitive radio experiments. This should be operational in 2013 for a duration of 7 years. To give a quick view, the user will have a way to configure and program through Internet several sdr platforms (mimo , siso , and baseband processing nodes).

ANR - Cormoran - “Cooperative and Mobile Wireless Body Area Networks for Group Navigation” (2012-2015, 150 keuros)

Cormoran project targets to figure out innovative communication functionalities and radiolocation algorithms that could benefit from inter/intra-ban cooperation. More precisely, the idea is to enable accurate nodes/body location, as well as Quality of Service management and communications reliability (from the protocol point of view), while coping with inter-ban coexistence, low power constraints and complying with the IEEE 802.15.6 standard. The proposed solutions will be evaluated in realistic applicative scenarios, hence necessitating the development of adapted simulation tools and real-life experiments based on hardware platforms. For this sake, Cormoran will follow an original approach, mixing theoretical work (e.g. modelling activities, algorithms and cross-layer phy /mac /nwk design) with more practical aspects (e.g. channel and antennas measurement campaigns, algorithms interfacing with real platforms, demonstrations).

ANR - MetalibM - “Automatic generation of function and filters” (2014-2017, 200 keuros)

The goal of the Metalibm project is to provide a tool for the automatic implementation of mathematical (libm) functions. A function f is automatically transformed into machine-proven C code implementing an polynomial approximation in a given domain with given accuracy. This project is led by Inria, with researchers from Socrate and AriC; PEQUAN team of Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; DALI team from Université de Perpignan Via Domitia and Laboratoire d’Informatique, Robotique et Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM); and SFT group from Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire (CERN).

FUI ECONHOME - “Energy efficient home networking” (2010-2014, 309 keuros)

The project aims at reducing the energy consumption of the home (multimedia) data networks, while maintaining the quality requirements for heterogeneous services and flows, and preserving, or even enhancing the overall system performance. the equipments under concern are residential gateways, set-top-boxes , plc modules, Wifi extenders, nas . The user equipment, such as smartphones, tablets or PCs are not concerned. The approach relies on combining both individual equipments IC and system level protocols that have to be eco-designed.

FUI SMACS - “SMart And Connected Sensors” (2013-2016, 267 keuros)

The SMACS projet targets the deployement of an innovating wireless sensor network dedicated to many domains sport, health and digital cities. The projet involves Socrate (Insavalor), Hikob and wireless broadcasting company Euro Media France. The main goal is to develop a robust technologie enabling real-time localization of mobile targets (like cyclist for instance), at a low energy (more generaly low cost). The technology will be demonstrated at real cycling races (Tour de France 2013 and 2014). One of the goal is to include localisation information with new radio technology. Another subject of study is distributed wireless consensus algorithms for maintaining a neighborhood knowledge with a low energy budget that scales (more than 200 cycles together)